Even the best credit cards rarely offer more than 1-2% cash back, let alone a rewards rate of 5%. But the Discover It cash back card does just that on specific spending categories that rotate each quarter. Plus, you can enjoy an introductory 0% APR and intro balance transfer fee, making this a great card for managing debt in addition to earning lucrative rewards.
Best for
If you enjoy the process of tracking your spending and maximizing your credit card reward earning potential, the Discover It cash back credit card is a great option for you. With a rotating list of bonus categories that earn 5x cash back, you can adjust your spending each quarter to match cash back categories and earn the most cash back possible.
New cardmembers enjoy an introductory interest rate of 0% APR on new purchases and balance transfers for the first 14 months after account opening. Once the intro period is over, the card reverts to a standard variable APR, depending on your creditworthiness, and up to 5% for future balance transfers. There is no penalty APR.
The Discover It card offers some of the most lucrative cash back rewards on the market. Cardholders can earn a whopping 5% cash back on specific spending categories such as gas stations, grocery stores and Amazon.com, which rotate each quarter and must be activated. There is a quarterly maximum on how many points you can earn in these categories as well. However, you can automatically earn an unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases. At the end of your first year, Discover will automatically match all the cash back you earned with no limit to the match. Cash back never expires, and you can redeem cash in any amount whenever you want.
Other perks
In addition to a generous cash back rewards program and intro offer, the Discover offers a number of other valuable benefits. For example, cardholders have the ability to easily freeze and unfreeze their accounts using the mobile app or website. So, for example, if you lost your card, you could freeze the account to prevent fraudulent purchases until you were able to replace it.
Discover also provides all cardmembers their FICO credit score for free, which is included on monthly statements. You can also view your credit score via the card issuer mobile app and online banking platform any time for free.
Finally, Discover monitors all purchases for suspicious activity so you don’t have to worry about fraudulent use occurring without your knowledge. If someone else does get their hands on your card information and makes unauthorized purchases, you’ll never be responsible for the charges.
Annual fee
The Discover It card doesn’t charge an annual fee.
Other fees
Though there is no annual fee, the Discover It card does come with a few other fees. As mentioned above, there is an introductory balance transfer fee of 3% of the amount of each transfer. This fee applies to transfers that post to your account by October 10, 2019; after this date, the fee is 5% of the amount of each transfer. Cash advances require a fee of either $10 or 5% of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. You won’t be charged a fee the first time you pay your bill late, but after that, there is a late fee of up to $39. Returned payments also result in a fee of up to $39.
Unfortunately, the Discover It cash back credit card doesn’t offer any sign-up bonus. However, the generous introductory APR and cashback match after the first year should help make up for that.
How this card might bring joy to your wallet: The Discover It cash back card offers many benefits. One of the most valuable perks of the It card is its rotating list of bonus categories that earn 5% cash back. Plus, you still earn 1% bank on all other purchases, with no cap. Discover also generously matches cash back earnings during the first year. Additionally, the intro APR and balance transfer fee help you keep your credit card balance in check, while no annual fee means you won’t wipe out any rewards earned throughout the year.
How this card might not bring joy to your wallet:
Despite its many benefits, the Discover It cash back card isn’t for everyone. This card requires a hands-on approach to managing cash rewards, since you have to track the cashback calendar of bonus categories that earn 5x rewards during a given quarter and activate them in order to earn your rewards. If you prefer a more set-it-and-forget-it rewards program, you might be better off with a rewards card that offers the same earning potential on all spending automatically.